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The doctrine and law of the Holy Sabbath in the order wherein it lies through the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. In two sermons, preached at the lecture in Boston, Octobe... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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The duty of young people to give their hearts unto God, because they are his offspring In four sermons preched to religious societies in School Street, on the evenings of the Lords... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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Dying in peace in a good old age A sermon preach'd the Lords-Day after the funeral of the Honourable and aged Simeon Stoddard Esq; of Boston. Who departed this life, October 15th.... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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Early piety again inculcated from those famous words of Solomon, Eccles. XII. 1. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth In a sermon preached to a society of young men, i... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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Faith victorious As it was represented in a sermon preached to the Honourable Artillery Company in Boston, on the day of their election of officers, June 1st. 1702. by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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The faithful ministers of Christ mindful of their own death A sermon preached at the lecture in Boston; upon the death of the learned and venerable Solomon Stoddard late Pastor of... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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Faithful pastors angels of the churches A sermon preached to the bereaved flock, March 4. 1739. On the Lord's-Day after the funeral of the Reverend Mr. Peter Thacher of Boston. aet... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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The faithful servant in the joy of his Lord A funeral sermon on the death of the Honourable Samuel Holden, Esq; of London: preached at the public lecture in Boston, New-England, Se... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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Ministers and people under special obligations to sanctity, humility & gratitude for the great grace given them in the preached Gospel. : A sermon on a day of prayer, kept by the N... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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A sermon preach'd at Boston in New-England on Thursday the 23d. of August. 1716 Being the day of publick thanksgiving, for the suppression of the late vile and traiterous rebellion... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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A sermon preach'd at the ordination of Mr. William Cooper, in Boston, N.E. May 23. 1716 by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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A sermon preached before His Excellency the governour, and Her Majesties Council, at Boston in New-England, on July 22d. 1708 Being the day of the proclamation of the happy union o... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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Sermons preached at the lecture in Boston, from Luke XI, 21, 22 Shewing I. That the soul of man is a noble palace which the great God built for himself. II. That it is now become a... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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Some observations on the new method of receiving the small-pox by ingrafting or inoculating by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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Some of the honours that religion does unto the fruitful mothers in Israel Meditated upon the birth & preached at the baptism of a child. Boston Jan. 16. 1714,15. by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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Some reasons and arguments offered to the good people of Boston and adjacent places, for setting up markets in Boston by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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Souls flying to Jesus Christ pleasant and admirable to behold A sermon preach'd at the opening an evening-lecture in Brattle-Street Boston, Tuesday October 21. 1740. by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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The unspeakable gift of God a right charitable and bountiful spirit to the poor and needy members of Jesus Christ. : A sermon preached at the publick lecture in Boston, February 1.... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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The vanity of man as mortal A sermon preach'd at the lecture in Boston, September 4. 1746. In the audience of the General Court, the morning before the funeral of the Honourable Mr... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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A devout and humble enquiry into the reasons of the divine council in the death of good men Meditated on the death, and preached at the lecture in Boston on the day of the intermen... by Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747
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