Table of Contents:
  • "Promoting homosexuality" in the classroom / George E. Haggerty
  • Pedagogy and sexuality / Joseph Litvak
  • Toward an antithomophobic pedagogy / Joseph Chadwick
  • The Student and the strap: authority and seduction in the class(room) / Sue-Ellen Case
  • What is lesbian literature? Forming a historical canon / Lillian Faderman
  • Teaching the postmodern renaissance / Stephen Orgel
  • Lesbian modernism: (trans)forming the (c)anon / Karla Jay
  • Race, homosocial desire, and "mammon" in Autobiography of an ex-coloured man / Cheryl Clarke
  • Lesbian poetry in the United States, 1890-1990: a brief overview / Paula Bennett
  • Teaching differences: theory and practice in a lesbian and gay studies seminar / David Román
  • Expanding the categories of race and sexuality in lesbian and gay studies / Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano
  • Explicit instruction: teaching gay male sexuality in literature classes / Earl Jackson
  • The Lesbian narrative: "The pursuit of the inedible by the unspeakable" / Marilyn R. Farwell
  • Anal/yzing the classroom: on the impossibility of a queer pedagogy / Gregory W. Bredbeck
  • The Disappearance of the homosexual in The Picture of Dorian Gray / Jeffrey Nunokawa
  • Tales of the avunculate: queer tutelage in The Importance of being earnest / Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
  • Private affairs: race, sex, property, and persons / Phillip Brian Harper
  • Memorial rags / Michael Moon.