Table of Contents:
  • The 2010 elections / Charles S. Bullock, III
  • Mama Grizzly nearly trapped: New Hampshire's Republican Senate primary / Dante J. Scala
  • Sacrificing electoral viability for ideological purity: Christine O'Donnell and the Delaware Senate race / Daniel C. Reed
  • Nevada: the Tea Party takes on Harry Reid but from the wrong angle / Ted G. Jelen
  • "A deep blue hole"? California, the Tea Party, and the 2010 midterm elections / Amy Widestrom and Christopher Dennis
  • Florida: a plummeting economy, Tea Parties, and Palin give GOP a clean sweep / Susan A. MacManus with the assistance of David J. Bonanza and Mary L. Moss
  • Randslide: Tea Party success in the establishment's backyard / Joel Turner and Scott Lasley
  • Ron Johnson: the accidental Tea Partier / Geoffrey Peterson
  • The Pennsylvania Senate race: Toomey's time / Stanley P. Berard
  • Colorado: the centennial state bucks the national trend / M. Jean Kingston
  • The 2010 West Virginia Senate race / Robert Rupp
  • The empire strikes back: the 2010 elections in New York / Costas Panagopoulos
  • Arkansas: the kettle that didn't whistle / Andrew Dowdle and Joseph D. Giammo
  • Coats vs. Ellsworth: the 2010 Indiana Senate race / Michael A. Maggiotto and Raymond H. Scheele
  • The blue and the red in the land of Obama: the 2010 midterms in Illinois / Janna L. Deitz
  • The 2010 Washington U.S. Senate race: two familiar faces and two potential wild cards / Edward Anegon and David Nice
  • Connecticut: too liberal to be Palin's cup of tea / Diana Evans
  • Conclusion: Evaluating Palin, the Tea Party, and DeMint influences / Charles S. Bullock, III.