Table of Contents:
  • Foreword and Introduction: Young People, Media and Health: Risks and Rights / Cecilia von Feilitzen, Johanna Stenersen
  • [Part 1. Media Use and Health Risks]
  • The Relationship between Offline and Online Risks / Leslie Haddon, Sonia Livingstone
  • Socially Disadvantaged Children, Media and Health / Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink, Jasmin Kulterer
  • Mediated Violence and Related Risk Factors: Examples and Reflections / Cecilia von Feilitzen
  • Stealing Children's Innocence in Egypt: Media Literacy, Human Rights and Roads of Violence / Ibrahim Saleh
  • Sexualisation and Children's Relationship with the Media / Jeanne Prinsloo
  • Policy Statement: Children, Adolescents, Obesity, and the Media / American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Impact of Excessive Media Exposure on Sleep and Memory in Children and Adolescents / Markus Dworak, Alfred Wiater
  • Too Many Screens, Too Much Stuff: How Media, Marketing and Commercialization Are Harming Children's Health / Susan Linn
  • Food Marketing and Child Health / Moniek Buijzen, Esther Rozendaal, Simone M. de Droog
  • [Part 2. The Right to Participation - Communication for Health and Social Change]
  • Communication and Health of Children and Adolescents in Latin America: Toward a Child and Adolescent-centered Approach / Rafael Obregon, Angela Rojas Martinez
  • Body Politics and the Mediated Body: Young Women in Nicaragua Talk about Sexual and Reproductive Rights / Johanna Stenersen
  • Youth, Media, and Respectful Conversations about Health: Lessons Learned from an Exemplary Project in Nepal / Arvind Singhal
  • Children as Agents for Social Change: Soul Buddyz and Soul Buddyz Club / Susan Goldstein
  • Talking about Violence with Children: A Case Study of Children's Participation in the Communication Plan on Stopping Violence against Children in China / Bu Wei
  • Statistical Indicators on Children in the World: Demographics, Economic indicators, Education and Media & Health.