Table of Contents:
  • Childhood
  • Institutions, part 1
  • Discrimination, part 1
  • Institutions, part 2
  • The University of Illinois
  • Discrimination, part 2, and early advocacy
  • The parents' movement
  • Activists and organizers, part 1
  • Institutions, part 3
  • Activists and organizers, part 2
  • Independent living
  • The disability press
  • The American coalition of citizens with disabilities
  • The HEW demonstrations
  • Psychiatric survivors
  • Working the system
  • Institutions, part 4
  • Self-advocates
  • DREDF and the 504 trainings
  • Activists and organizers, part 3
  • Deaf president now!
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act: "the machinery of change"
  • Drafting the bill, part 1
  • Insiders, part 1
  • Drafting the bill, part 2
  • Lobbying and gathering support
  • Mobilizing the community
  • Experts
  • Insiders, part 2
  • Wheels of justice and the Chapman Amendment
  • Lobbyists
  • Senators
  • Victory
  • Aftermath.