Table of Contents:
  • Part I : Conceptual issues
  • On the distinction between disease and illness / Christopher Boorse
  • Human being : the boundaries of the concept / Lawrence C. Becker
  • Brain death and personal identity / Michael B. Green & Daniel Wikler
  • Part II : Health and social policy
  • Health-care needs and distributive justice / Norman Daniels
  • Medical progress and national health care / Loren E. Lomasky
  • Gifts and exchanges / Kenneth J. Arrow
  • Altrusim and commerce / Peter Singer
  • The recombinant DNA debate / Stephen P. Stich
  • An alternative policy for obtaining cadaver organs for transplantation / James L Muyskens
  • Part III : Medical paternalism
  • Paternalistic behavior / Bernard Gert & Charles M. Culver
  • Medical paternalism / Allen Buchanan
  • The contractual argument for witholding medical information / Donald Vandeveer
  • Part IV : Euthanasia
  • Voluntary euthansia and the inalienable right to life / Joel Feinberg
  • Euthanasia / Philippa Foot.