Table of Contents:
  • Machine generated contents note: pt. 1 Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible
  • 1. Textual Base of the Biblical Quotations in Second Temple Compositions
  • 2. Were Early Hebrew Scripture Texts Authoritative?
  • 3. Post-Modern Textual Criticism?
  • 4. Origins, Development, and Characteristics of the Ancient Translations of the Hebrew Scriptures
  • 5. Modern Editions of the Hebrew Bible
  • 6. Electronic Scripture Editions (With an Appendix Listing Electronic Editions on the Internet [2019])
  • 7. New Editions of the Hebrew Scriptures: A Response
  • pt. 2 Textual Criticism of the Torah
  • 8. Textual History of the Torah
  • 9. Textual Harmonization in Exodus 1-24
  • 10. Septuagint of Numbers as a Harmonizing Text
  • 11. Textual Harmonization in the Five Books of the Torah: Summary
  • pt. 3 (Proto-)Masoretic Text
  • 12. "Proto-Masoretic," "Pre-Masoretic," "Semi-Masoretic," and "Masoretic": A Study in Terminology and Textual Theory
  • 13. Enigma of the Masoretic Text
  • 14. Development of the Text of the Torah in Two Major Text Blocks
  • 15. Source of Source Criticism: The Relevance of Non-Masoretic Textual Witnesses
  • 16. Socio-Religious Setting of the (Proto-)Masoretic Text
  • 17. Ketiv/Qere Readings in Parallel Scripture Texts
  • pt. 4 Septuagint
  • 18. Septuagint: Summary and Update
  • 19. Septuagint Translation of the Torah as a Source and Resource for the Post-Pentateuchal Translators
  • 20. Shared Tradition of the Septuagint and the Samaritan Pentateuch
  • 21. Moses in the Septuagint
  • 22. Septuagint in Codex Sinaiticus Compared with Other Sources
  • 23. Assyria in the Septuagint
  • 24. Transliterated Proper Nouns in the Septuagint: Some Statistics
  • pt. 5 Dead Sea Scrolls
  • 25. Tefillin from the Judean Desert and the Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible
  • 26. Scribal Characteristics of the Qumran Scrolls
  • 27. Scribal Practices and Approaches Revisited
  • 28. Early Leviticus Scroll from En-Gedi: Preliminary Publication / P. Shorand Y. Porath.