Table of Contents:
  • Introduction / John M.O'Shea
  • History of Saginaw Valley Research / Michael Shott
  • Paleoecology of the Bridgeport Area / Kathryn C. Egan
  • Excavation Procedures / Michael Shott
  • Site description / Michael Shott
  • Geological observations on 20SA620 / William Farrand
  • Lithic analysis / Michael Shott
  • The ceramic assemblage from 20SA620 / Claire McHale Milner
  • Faunal remains from 20SA620 / Karen Mudar
  • Archaeobotanical botanical remains from 20SA620 / Kathryn C. Egan
  • Distribution analysis / John M. O'Shea
  • Conclusion / John M. O'shea
  • Apppendix to Chapter 8 / Claire McHale Milner.