Table of Contents:
  • The Beginnings: 1902-1930
  • Plymouth Brother
  • Breakdown
  • Rescue
  • University of Toronto: 1930-1937
  • A New World
  • Following the Path
  • Love and Politics
  • Europe
  • A Narrow Circle
  • Professing English
  • University of Manitoba: 1937-1946
  • 'This Winnipeg!'
  • 'The End of an Era'
  • 'O Canada'
  • Casting Anchor
  • University of British Columbia: 1946-1960
  • Anatomy of a Department
  • The New Head
  • 'The Revolt of the Dukes'
  • Developing English
  • A Canadian Literature
  • University of British Columbia: 1960-1970
  • The Lions' Den
  • Academic Publishing
  • University Professor
  • Vancouver: 1970-1979
  • The River of Time.