Table of Contents:
  • Introduction / Benjamin Schlesinger PART ONE: An Overview: The need for family planning and population control in Canada / Cope W. Schwenger
  • Population and family planning: an overview / Constance Swinton
  • Is family planning in rural areas adequate? /Viewpoints
  • Obstacles to progress in family planning /Michael J. Ball
  • Some mythology of birth control / C.J.G. Mackenzie
  • Some religious views on family planning / Virginia Thompson
  • Family planning and women's rights in Canada /Lorna R. Marsden PART TWO: Professional and Volunteers: The role of doctors in family planning in Canada /Lise Fortier
  • The family doctor's role in preventing unwanted pregnancies / W.J. Hannah
  • Family planning and social work practice / Cheryl Argue and Benjamin Schlesinger
  • Voluntarism in family planning in Canada / Mary F. Bishop PART THREE: Government Reports: The federal family planning program: some implications for social work / Cenovia Addy Responsible parenthood / From The Status of Women
  • Poverty and family planning / From Poverty in Canada
  • Recommendations of the first national conference on family planning / The First National Conference
  • Venereal disease in Canada /Margaret Whitridge
  • PART FOUR: Contraception: Conception control in family planning / Elaine Dawson
  • Choosing contraceptives according to need / Nancy Garrett
  • An alternative approach to family planning in Canada / Serena
  • Vasectomy: Canada's newest family planning method / Carl F. Grindstaff and G. Edward Ebanks
  • Female sterilization / Marion G. Powell
  • Babies by choice not by chance / From Babies by Choice PART FIVE: The pregnant schoolgirl /Marion G. Powell
  • Family planning and the adolescent girl / Doris Guyatt
  • Birth control counselling in an adolescent clinic / Martin G. Wolfish
  • 'Family' planning and the single university student / Kathleen Belanger and Eleanor J. Bradley
  • Changing profile of a family planning clinic / Marion G. Powell PART SIX: Abortion: Abortion: an introduction / Benjamin Schlesinger Attitudes towards abortion / Esther Greenglass
  • Abortion: a challenge for social work / Susan Watt
  • Background and structure of ACCRA / ACCRA
  • Brief for the protection of the unborn child / Ian Gentles, Elmer J. Kremer, C. Gwendolyn Landolt and Heather S. Morris
  • Birthright / Louise Summerhill
  • Abortion as a public health problem and community health measure