Table of Contents:
  • lndology studies in Belgium : armchair scholars and travellers / Winand M. Callewaert
  • 'There was a city called Mithila' : are all Jain Ramayanas really Puranas? / Adrian Plau
  • Two Buddhists, two jackals and a flying stupa : examination of the Buddhists in the Jain Dharmapariksa / Heleen De Jonckheere
  • Blurring the distinction between Dhyana and Svadhyaya in Jayacarya's writings on meditation / Samani Pratibha Pragya
  • Devotee, king and creator : Kailasa as in Srikanthacarita IV / Chiara Livio
  • The tree adoption ritual as presented in the Dharmanibandhas / Amandine Wattelier-Bricout
  • The Vedic Idam Bhu-construction as a precursor of the compound type X-Bhuta / Yuto Kawamura
  • The Paribhasa-Yadagamas Tadgunibhutas Tadgrahanena Grhyante in the Paribhasavrtti of Nilakantha Diksita / Yiming Shen
  • Reconsidering the Sarva-Siddhanta-Sangraha : authorship, doxography and pedagogy / Karl-Stephan Bouthillette.