Showing 81 - 86 results of 86 for search '"Canadian American"', query time: 0.32s Refine Results
  1. 81
    Published 1974
    Table of Contents: “…Canadian Calendar -- Parliament and Politics -- PARLIAMENT -- A house of minorities -- The speech from the throne -- The politics of survival -- The budget -- The achievements of minority government -- The emergency session -- The end of the session -- FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL RELATIONS -- Social policy -- Communications -- Health, education, and money -- Housing and urban affairs -- Western Economic Opportunities Conference -- FEDERALISM ON THE DEFENSIVE: QUEBEC OCTOBER 29 -- The Parti qu233;b233;cois -- The p233;quiste budget -- Third parties -- Bourassa construit -- The results -- The aftermath -- B AND B -- THE PARTIES -- The Conservatives -- The New Democrats -- The Liberals go west -- The Provinces -- ONTARIO -- Treasury, Economics, and Intergovernmental Affairs -- Resources Development Policy Field -- Energy and Housing -- Social Development Policy Field -- Parties and Politics -- QU201;BEC -- Fin de session -- Derni232;re session -- Enqu234;te sur le crime organis233; -- Remaniement minist233;riel -- Elections -- R233;sultats des 233;lections -- Premi232;re session -- Commission Gendron -- Baie James -- NOVA SCOTIA -- Energy and Environment -- The Session -- Scots -- NEW BRUNSWICK -- Money matters -- The spring session -- The economy -- Setting the election stage -- MANITOBA -- The session -- The election -- The economy -- BRITISH COLUMBIA -- The legislative sessions -- Executive government -- Provincial politics -- Some miscellaneous developments -- Energy -- The economy -- PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND -- Politics -- The economy -- Law, education, and culture -- SASKATCHEWAN -- The economy -- The legislative sessions -- The political parties -- Other events -- ALBERTA -- The session -- The economy -- NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR -- THE YUKON AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES -- Resources and communications -- Native peoples -- Land claims -- Boundaries -- External Affairs and Defence -- CANADIAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS -- Options -- Environmental issues -- The energy crisis -- Trade issues -- Air routes -- Fisheries -- EUROPE -- The European Community -- Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe -- France and Greenpeace III -- THE UNITED NATIONS -- The Middle East, oil, and peacekeeping -- INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE -- THE THIRD WORLD -- Commonwealth relations -- Latin America -- The Pacific: Japan and China -- MILITARY AND SECURITY ISSUES -- North American Air Defence -- NATO and European force reductions -- Vietnam and the ICCS -- The National Economy -- The credible John Turner -- STATISTICAL OVERVIEW -- Consumer spending -- Investment -- The government sector -- Incomes -- The external sector -- The labour market -- WELFARE AND UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE -- INFLATION -- Overview -- The price and wage controls debate -- The government versus inflation -- OIL -- INDUSTRIAL STRATEGY -- ECONOMIC N.…”
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    Electronic eBook
  2. 82
    Published 1980
    Table of Contents: “…Canadian Calendar -- Parliament and Politics -- PARLIAMENT -- The economy and social welfare -- The budget -- Unemployment insurance -- Law and society -- A new governor general -- POLITICS -- The Liberals -- The Conservatives -- The NDP and the Socreds -- The by-elections -- Aftermath -- THE TRUDEAU CONSTITUTION -- A time for action -- Bill C-60 -- The debate joined -- The summit -- WORKING WITH THE OLD -- WAITING FOR THE REFERENDUM -- The p233;quistes: diluting sovereignty -- Organizing the opposition -- B AND B -- The Provinces -- ONTARIO -- The Legislature -- Treasury and economics -- Intergovernmental affairs -- Resources development -- Social development -- Justice -- QU201;BEC -- Qu233;bec-Ottawa -- Claude Ryan et la remont233;e du PLQ -- La strat233;gie du 171;bon187; gouvernement -- Les am233;rindiens -- L'agriculture -- Affaires sociales -- D233;mocratic municipale -- Affaires culturelles et 233;ducation -- Politique 233;conomique -- Les femmes -- L'233;glise catholique -- Les syndicats -- Les milieux d'affaires -- Les sondages -- La souverainet233;-association -- Le r233;f233;rendum -- NOVA SCOTIA -- Politics -- The election -- The new government -- NEW BRUNSWICK -- Politics: parochial as ever -- The budworm controversy -- The general election -- The economy and the labour scene -- MANITOBA -- The session -- Hydro -- Government reorganization -- The opposition -- The economy -- BRITISH COLUMBIA -- The legislative session -- The economy -- Labour -- Crown corporations and enterprises -- Politicians and political parties -- BC and the nation -- PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND -- Politics -- The civil service -- The constitution -- SASKATCHEWAN -- The economy -- Politics and the election -- ALBERTA -- Natural resources -- The economy -- The legislative session -- Political parties -- Other events -- NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR -- THE YUKON AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES -- Space debris -- Oil and gas -- Native peoples -- Other matters -- External Affairs and Defence -- CANADIAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS -- Energy issues -- Economic issues -- Maritime boundaries8211;'the fish war' -- Environmental issues -- DIPLOMATIC ISSUES -- Western Europe -- The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe -- Latin America -- Asia and the Pacific -- The Middle East -- Africa -- Human rights -- Quebec's international behaviour -- THE UNITED NATIONS -- Disarmament -- Peacekeeping -- Law of the Sea8211;fisheries -- ECONOMIC ISSUES -- Nuclear technology and safeguards -- International development assistance -- MILITARY AND SECURITY ISSUES -- Equipment purchases -- NATO -- The National Economy -- OVERVIEW -- GNP -- The international sector -- The dollar -- The labour force -- Inflation -- GOVERNMENT PROGRAMMES AND ACTIVITIES -- The Anti-Inflation Programme -- Spending and revenues -- Macroeconomic policies -- T$2009.…”
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    Electronic eBook
  3. 83
    Published 1954
    Microfilm Book
  4. 84
    Published 1976
    Table of Contents: “…-- MANITOBA -- The session -- The CFI report -- The economy -- Winnipeg's centennial -- BRITISH COLUMBIA -- The legislative sessions -- Resource policies -- Government enterprises -- Programmes for people -- Political parties -- Labour and the economy -- PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND -- The economy -- SASKATCHEWAN -- The mineral industries -- Other legislation -- The political parties -- Other events -- ALBERTA -- Natural resources -- The session -- Political parties -- The PWA takeover -- Morality and political comeback -- NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR -- THE YUKON AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES -- Oil -- Mining -- Sovereignty -- Transportation -- Native peoples -- Communities -- Miscellaneous -- External Affairs and Defence -- CANADIAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS -- Trade issues -- Environmental issues and boundary waters -- Energy issues -- EUROPE -- The European Community -- France -- THE UNITED NATIONS -- The World Food Conference -- Law of the Sea -- The Middle East and the PLO -- Peacekeeping and Cyprus -- INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE.…”
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    Electronic eBook
  5. 85
    by Buolamwini, Joy
    Published 2023
  6. 86