Published 1992
Table of Contents:
“…The operas as literary works / Peter Wapnewski -- Wagner's place in the history of music / Carl Dahlhaus -- Wagner in the history of psychology / Isolde Vetter -- The revolutionary of 1848-49 / Rüdiger Krohn -- The question of anti-Semitism / Dieter Borchmeyer -- The political influence and appropriation of Wagner / Ernst Hanisch -- A brief history of Wagner research / John Deathridge -- Wagner and antiquity / Ulrich Müller -- Wagner's Middle Ages / Volker Mertens -- The dramatic texts /
Peter Branscombe -- Wagner and Schopenhauer / Hartmut Reinhardt -- The music / Carl Dahlhaus -- The patronage of King Ludwig II / Manfred Eger -- Wagner and Nietzsche / Dieter Borchmeyer -- Wagnerism as concept and phenomenon / Erwin Koppen -- Wagner and the visual arts / Günter Metken -- Wagner in literature and film / Ulrich Müller…”
Call Number: