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    Published 1976
    Table of Contents: “…Canadian Calendar -- Parliament and Politics -- PARLIAMENT -- The Backlog -- Hamilton Harbour -- Waiting for the budget April 78211;June 23 -- The budget and after: June 238211;July 30 -- The Gazette vs John Reid -- 'I leave the speculation to you': Mr Turner's exit, September 11 -- Towards controls: September 118211;October 13 -- Back to the Hill: October 148211;December 20 -- OTTAWA AND THE PROVINCES -- Oil and the economy -- Health care -- Social security -- Interprovincial Conference -- Communications -- OTTAWA AND QUEBEC -- The war for words 8211; Souverainet233; culturelle -- Diluting separatism: the Parti qu233;b233;cois -- Le Parti nationale populaire -- B AND B -- POLITICS -- The Liberals -- The Conservatives -- The NDP -- Social Credit -- The Provinces -- ONTARIO -- The session -- Energy politics and the mini-budget -- Resources development policy field -- Social development policy field -- Justice policy field -- Election 75 -- Minority government and the fall session -- QU201;BEC par Jean-Charles Bonenfant -- La session -- Finances -- Projets de loi -- Le rapport 171; Cliche 187; -- Autres enqu234;tes -- Les changements politiques -- Le projet de loi 22 -- Nouveau parti -- Fonctionnaires -- Le protecteur du citoyen -- L'assembl233;e nationale -- NOVA SCOTIA -- NEW BRUNSWICK -- The Bricklin affair -- The rest of the economy -- The Legislature and politics -- The labour scene -- Recurring themes -- MANITOBA -- The Legislature -- The parties -- The government and the doctors -- Unicity -- Universities -- The economy -- BRITISH COLUMBIA -- The Legislature and the economy -- Government enterprises -- Resource industries -- Minorities -- Political parties -- The election -- The Social Credit government -- PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND -- Public affairs -- The economy -- SASKATCHEWAN -- The economy -- The election -- The mineral industries -- Other events -- ALBERTA -- The election -- Natural resources -- The Legislature -- Other events -- NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR -- The economy -- The election -- THE YUKON AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES -- The Mackenzie Valley pipeline inquiry -- Sovereignty -- Native peoples -- Eskimo art -- Miscellaneous -- External Affairs and Defence -- CANADIAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS -- Energy issues -- Environmental issues -- Trade issues -- EUROPE -- The European community and the contractual link -- France -- THE THIRD WORLD -- Vietnam -- Africa -- Nuclear technology and proliferation -- A new economic order? …”
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