Showing 1 - 4 results of 4 for search '1984 Democratic Party presidential primaries', query time: 0.25s Refine Results
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    by Benoit, William L.
    Published 1999
    Table of Contents: “…Primary campaigns: who shall lead us? ; Third-party candidates: another choice -- Comparisons. …”
  3. 3
    Published 2016
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  4. 4
    Published 2008
    Table of Contents: “…Valeo -- Bulgaria, Democratization -- Burke, Kenneth -- Bush, George H.W. (1924- ) -- Bush, George W. (1946- ) -- Bush, Laura (1946- ) -- Bush-Rather Confrontation -- Campaign Finance -- Campaigns & Elections Magazine -- Candidate, the -- Candidate-Centered Communication -- Candidate Films, Biographical -- Candidates and Their Images -- Canvassing -- Cardoso, Fernando Henrique (1931- ) -- Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics -- Cartoons, Political -- Carville, James (1944- ) -- Castro, Fidel (1926/1927- ) -- Celebrities in Politics -- Censorship, Political -- Center for the Study of the American Electorate -- Chaffee, Steven H. (1935-2001) -- Chappaquiddick -- Chavez, Cesar -- Chávez, Hugo (1954- ) -- Chechen Conflict, Russian -- Checkers Speech -- China, Media and Politics in -- Chinese Cultural Revolution -- Chirac, Jacques (1932- ) -- Chisholm, Shirley (1924-2005) -- Christian, George -- Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965) -- Cicero -- Citizen Journalism -- Citizen Kane -- Civic Engagement -- Civic Journalism -- Civil Rights Movement -- Clinton, Hillary Rodham (1947- ) -- Clinton, William Jefferson (1946- ) -- CNN (Cable News Network) -- Coburg-Gotha, Simeon Saxe (1937- ) -- Collor De Mello, Fernando (1949- ) -- Comejo, Peter -- Commander in Chief -- Daily Show, the -- Daisy Girl Ad -- Dealignment -- Dean, Howard (1948- ) -- Debates -- Debatewatch -- Deciding What's News -- Defamation of Character -- De Gaulle, Charles (1890-1970) -- Deliberation -- Deliberative Democracy -- Demirel, Suleyman (1924- ) -- Democracy Theories -- Democratic Engagement -- Democratic National Committee -- Democratic Party -- Democratization, Role of the Media in -- Demography -- Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) -- Denton, Robert E., Jr. (1953- ) -- Dependency Theory, Media -- Dewey, John -- Diffusion of Innovations -- Digital Divide -- Direct Action Protest, Australia -- Direct Democracy -- Direct Mail -- Dole, Elizabeth (1936- ) -- Dole, Robert (1923- ) -- Donsbach, Wolfgang (1949- ) -- Downs, Anthony -- Dramatistic Approaches to Political Communication -- Dukakis, Michael (1933- ) -- Eagleton, Thomas -- Ecevit, Bulent (1925-2006) -- Economic Theory of Democracy, an -- Edelman, Murray (1919-2001) -- Editorials -- Effects of Mass Communication, The -- E-Government -- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1890-1969) -- Electoral Systems -- E-Mail, Political Uses -- Embedded Journalists -- Endorsements, Political -- Entman, Robert (1949- ) -- Equal Time Provision -- Erdogan, Recep Tayyip (1954- ) -- Eurobarometer -- European Association of Political Consultants -- European Commission -- European Convention on Human Rights -- European Court of Justice -- European Parliament -- European Parliamentary Elections -- European Union -- European Union, Media Policy -- E-Voting -- Experimental Studies -- Face-to-Face Communication -- Fahrenheit 9/11 -- Fairness Doctrine -- Falklands-Malvinas War -- Fantasy Theme Analysis -- Fear Appeals, Use in Politics -- Federal Communications Commission -- Federal Election Campaign Act -- Federal Election Commission -- Federal Trade Commission -- Feminine Style in Communication -- Feminist Movement -- Feminist Theory -- Ferraro, Geraldine (1935-- ) -- Film and Politics -- Fireside Chats -- First Amendment -- First Ladies, Political Communication of -- Fitzwater, Marlin -- Fleischer, Ari (1960-- ) -- Focus Groups -- Ford, Betty (1918-- ) -- Ford, Gerald (1913-2006) -- Four Theories of the Press -- Fourth Estate, Media as -- Fox, Vicente (1942-- ) -- Fox News -- Framing -- Franken, Al (1951-- ) -- Free Airtime -- Freedom Forum Media Studies Center -- Freedom of Information -- Freedom of Information Act -- Freedom of the Press -- Fundraising -- Gallup Polls -- Gandhi, Indira (1917-1984) -- Gatekeeping -- Gender and Politics -- Gender Gap -- Gerbner, George (1919-2005) -- German Unification, Role of the Media -- Gingrich, Newt (1943-- ) -- Giscard D'Estaing, Valery (1926-- ) -- Giuliani, Rudy (1944-- ) -- Glasgow Media Group -- Glasnost -- Globalization -- Goebbels, Joseph (1897-1945) -- Goffman, Erving -- Goldwater, Barry (1909-1998) -- Gonzalez Marquez, Felipe (1942-- ) -- Gorbachev, Mikhail (1931-- ) -- Gore, Albert (1948-- ) -- Government Communication -- Graber, Doris A. (1923-- ) -- Graduate School of Political Management -- Graham, Katherine -- Grassroots Campaigning -- Great Debates, the -- Greeley, Horace (1811-1872) -- Green Party -- Group Decision Making, Political -- Groupthink in Politics -- Guggenheim, Charles (1924-2002) -- Gulf War, Media Coverage of -- Gurevitch, Michael -- Habermas, Jurgen -- Hagerty, James C. -- Haider, Jorg (1950-- ) -- Hallin, Daniel C. (1953-- ) -- Handbook of Political Communication, the -- Hanson, Pauline (1954-- ) -- Hard Money -- Hard News -- Harris, Fred (1930-- ) -- Hart, Gary (1936-- ) -- Hart, Roderick P. (1945-- ) -- Hassan II, King (1929-1999) -- Hate Speech -- Havel, Vaclav (1936-- ) -- Hearst, William Randolph (1863-1951) -- Helsinki Process -- Heuristics in Political Decision Making -- Hill, Anita -- Hill-Thomas Hearings -- Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945) -- Holtz-Bacha, Christina (1953-- ) -- Hong Kong Handover -- Horserace Coverage -- Horton, Willie -- Hostile Media Effect -- Humor in Politics -- Humphrey, Hubert H. (1911-1978) -- Hungary, Communication and Politics -- Hussein I, King (1935-1999) -- Ideology -- Image, Political -- Image, the -- Impression Management -- Inaugural Addresses, Presidential -- Incumbent, Incumbency -- Indexing Theory -- Information, Political -- Information Flow, Global -- Information Society -- Information Technology in Politics -- Infotainment -- Inoculation, Political -- Intercultural Communication, Dimensions -- Interest Groups in Politics -- Internet in Politics -- Interpersonal Communication -- Iowa Caucuses -- Iraq War, Media Coverage of -- Isocrates -- Issue Management -- Issue Ownership -- Issues, Policy -- Issues in Campaigns -- Jackson, Jesse (1941-- ) -- Jamieson, Kathleen Hall (1946-- ) -- Johnson, Lyndon B. (1908-1973) -- Jordan, Barbara (1936-1996) -- Journalism, Political -- Kaid, Lynda Lee (1948-- ) -- Kapital, Das -- Katz, Elihu (1926-- ) -- Kekkonen, Urho (1900-1986) -- Kennedy, Edward (Ted) (1932-- ) -- Kennedy, Jacqueline -- Kennedy, John F. (1917-1963) -- Kennedy, Robert F. (1925-1968) -- Kennedy Assassination -- Kenyatta, Jomo (1890-1978) -- Kepplinger, Hans Mathias (1943-- ) -- Kerry, John (1943-- ) -- Khrushchev, Nikita (1894-1971) -- Kibaki, Mwai (1931-- ) -- Kids Voting USA -- King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968) -- King Assassination -- Klapper, Joseph (1917-1984) -- Knowledge Gap -- Kohl, Helmut (1930-- ) -- Kraus, Sidney (1927-- ) -- Kreisky, Bruno (1970-1983) -- Kwasniewski, Aleksander (1954-- ) -- Labour Party, Britain -- Laduke, Winona -- Lamb, Brian -- Lang, Gladys Engel (1919-- ) -- Lang, Kurt (1924-- ) -- Language and Politics -- Lasswell, Harold (1902-1978) -- Late Night Talk Shows -- Latinos and Politics, Media -- Lazarsfeld, Paul F.…”
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