The perpetual laws, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from the establishment of its constitution to the first session of the General Court, A.D. 1788. : Compiled, arranged and p...
Published 1788“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A Poem on the death of Dr. Abraham Howe, of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts-Bay, who died October 19th, 1779, in the twenty-second year of his age
Published 1779“…[by Isaiah Thomas],…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United States
Published 1788“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The First and second part of the new proverbs on the pride of women: or, The vanity of this world displayed To which is added, an excellent receipt to all young men who want a wife...
Published 1787“…[by Isaiah Thomas],…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Dr. Stearns's petition to His Excellency the governour, and the Honourable Council exhibiting the troubles he has met with, by reason of the appearance of false evidence against hi...
Published 1785“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Ministers spiritual builders of God's house A sermon, delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Samuel Sumner, A.M. to the pastoral charge of the church in Southborough. June 1st, MD...
Published 1791“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Thoughts upon the political situation of the United States of America in which that of Massachusetts is more particularly considered. : With some observations on the constitution f...
Published 1788“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A sermon, preached at the instalment of the Rev. Joseph Willard to the pastoral office over the Church of Christ in Boxborough, November 2, MDCCLXXXV.
Published 1786“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The dying criminal a poem,
Published 1779“…[by Isaiah Thomas],…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Review of a book entitled The grounds of Christianity by comparing the New Testament with the Old by George Bethune English, A.M
Published 1813“…Isaiah Thomas,…”
Shaw-Shoemaker Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The history of the insurrections, in Massachusetts, in the year MDCCLXXXVI, and the rebellion consequent thereon
Published 1788“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The Prodigal daughter, or A strange and wonderful relation shewing how a gentleman of a vast estate in Bristol, had a proud and disobedient daughter, who because her parents would...
Published 1787“…[by Isaiah Thomas],…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Worcester County Convention. In Convention. Tuesday, April 9, 1782 At a meeting of thirty-four members from twenty-six towns in the county of Worcester ... convened at Worcester, t...
Published 1782“…[by Isaiah Thomas],…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic Conference Proceeding eBook -
A sermon, delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Thomas Holt, A.M to the pastoral charge of the church in Hardwick. June 25th, MDCCLXXXIX.
Published 1790“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The Surprising life and death of Dr. John Faustus, D.D Commonly called the history of the devil and Dr. Faustus. : To which is now added the Necromancer, or, Harlaquin [sic] Doctor...
Published 1795“…[by Isaiah Thomas],…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Catalogue of books to be sold by Isaiah Thomas, at his book-store in Worcester, Massachusetts Consisting of many celebrated authors in history, voyages, travels, geography, antiqui...
Published 1787“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A specimen of Isaiah Thomas's printing types Being as large and complete an assortment as is to be met with in any one printing-office in America. : Chiefly manufactured by that gr...
Published 1787“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Christians mourn not for their friends who sleep in Jesus, as others who have no hope The substance of two sermons, delivered at Ashburnham, July 31, MDCCXC. Being the Lord's Day a...
Published 1790“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Thoughts upon several passages of Scripture, both in the Old and New Testament, relative to Jacob and Esau with incidental excursions.
Published 1791“…By Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The economy of human life
Published 1787“…By and for Isaiah Thomas,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook