The life and character of Miss Susanna Anthony who died, in Newport, (R.I.) June 23, MDCCXCI, in the sixty fifth year of her age. : Consisting chiefly in extracts from her writings...
Published 1796“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The loss of Christian friends a warrantable cause of grief and sorrow A sermon, preached at Brimfield, November 30, MDCCXCVI: at the funeral of the Rev. Nehemiah Williams.
Published 1797“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A discourse, delivered January 18, MDCCXCIV at the interment of Benjamin Shattuck, Esq. an eminent physician in Templeton; who expired, January 14, MDCCXCIV, in the fifty second ye...
Published 1795“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The Jacobin looking-glass
Published 1795“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A letter to the Rev. Edmund Foster containing remarks and observations on a certain passage of his ordination sermon, preached at Gardner, October 19, 1791. : [Eleven lines of Scri...
Published 1794“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Gospel ministers and their people have mutual concerns of the greatest importance A sermon, preached at Holden, January 2, MDCCXCIII,
Published 1793“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The partymaker's assistant; or The art of dividing made easy Together with a new subject, for the division of churches and societies.
Published 1795“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A dissertation concerning liberty and necessity containing remarks on the essays of Dr. Samuel West, and on the writings of several other authors, on those subjects.
Published 1797“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A candid reply to the Reverend Doctor Hemmenway's Remarks on a dissertation on the scriptural qualifications for admission and access to the Christian sacraments
Published 1795“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A discourse, delivered, September 2d, MDCCXCIII, to the Society for the Reformation of Morals, in Franklin Published at their request.
Published 1793“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A discourse, delivered, September 3d, MDCCXCII, to the Society for the Reformation of Morals, in Franklin Published at their request.
Published 1793“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A discourse, preached at the ordination of the Rev. Eli Smith to the pastoral care of the church in Hollis, November 27th, MDCCXCIII.
Published 1794“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
A dissertation on the scriptural qualifications for admission and access to the Christian sacraments comprising some strictures on Dr. Hemmenway's Discourse concerning the church.
Published 1793“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
National peace the source of national prosperity A sermon delivered at Franklin, on the day of annual thanksgiving, December 15th, MDCCXCVI.
Published 1797“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Sprinkling the proper mode, and infants proper subjects, of Christian baptism illustrated in a sermon, preached September 7th, MDCCXCIV.
Published 1795“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
Sprinkling the proper mode, and infants proper subjects, of Christian baptism illustrated in a sermon, preached September 7th, MDCCXCIV.
Published 1795“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The most promising life, and death, closely connected A sermon, delivered at Worcester, November 4th, MDCCXCII, the Sabbath subsequent to the death and interment of Miss Hannah Bla...
Published 1794“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
The nature, extent, and importance, of the duty, binding on the Christian minister, divinely commissioned to bear the warnings of God to men illustrated in a sermon, preached in Fi...
Published 1798“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook -
An oration, pronounced at Worcester, on the fourth of July, 1798 the anniversary of the independence of the United States of America.
Published 1798“…By Leonard Worcester,…”
Evans Digital Edition
Electronic eBook